
Click for Catholic Relief Services to help families in Iraq and the Middle East.

Please click Catholic Relief Services to give direct emergency aid to persecuted Christians in Iraq and the Middle East.

We invite you to join, in spirit, our life as an international community of priests and brothers who live a life of prayer and communal fraternity. If you would like to give to a certain apostolate or cause, please click on a button below. You may also donate to the general purpose of our Order, under “General Donation.” Your donations to the Fathers of Our Lady of Mercy are tax deductible. Thank you.

You may use a PayPal account, or your own credit card. When you get to the PayPal screen, look for “No PayPal account? Pay using your credit or debit card.

Support a Friar’s Education

Your support will go toward a friar’s advanced education to prepare him for the apostolate.

Your recurring donation will ensure an ongoing source of support for a child in the mission field.

Please indicate your Mass intention during the payment process.

Your general donation will be directed toward the most appropriate need of our community at the time.

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